El Nio conditions are still getting stronger, and some people think that an active winter may be coming back.
But would there be any effects in Northern California?
There is a better than 95% possibility that El Nio will persist across the Northern Hemisphere through the winter and into 2024.
Additionally, the likelihood of a "strong" El Nio has gone boosted from 66% in August to 71% in September.
Sea surface temperatures are currently 1.6 degrees Celsius above average, according to NOAA.
The warm phase of the El Nio-La Nia Southern Oscillation pattern, known as El Nio, is a significant global weather factor.
Especially in Southern California, "it definitely tilts the odds in favor of a wetter winter, not so much in Northern California," Mead said.
"We've had seven powerful El Nios, and the amount of precipitation they brought was essentially uniform across the state.