Everything that happens to your body if you’re always waking up at 6am

Weakened immunity

Anita tells Metro.co.uk: ‘A lack of sleep can be  detrimental to our health. Did you know our body produces proteins  called cytokines which protect us against infection and disease? ‘Lack  of sleep means a lack of protection of cytokines which makes us more  vulnerable towards infections.’

Memory loss

Sleep helps us consolidate our memories, which means the better we sleep, the more likely we are to make those memories stick

Physical health

A consistent lack of sleep over a long period of time can cause many long-term health implications. We have enough data to be able to say a lack of sleep causes obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Mood and mental health

When we haven’t slept well, our energy levels are low and irritability rates are high. We could wake up more groggy and upset if we haven’t  slept enough, which can affect our performance in an academic setting or  work setting.

How to improve your sleep

If you’re someone who struggles to get the full eight  hours, or any good quality sleep at all, there’s one way you can sleep a  little better. Sleep practitioner James explains: ‘The most effective  solution is changing your night-time sleep posture.

How to make waking up easier at 6am

There’s nothing worse than the sound of the alarm  going off and waking up in darkness, knowing you can’t hit snooze. A  simple way to make getting up easier is by exposing yourself to natural  light.

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