Weight Loss: 7 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes to Avoid


During intermittent fasting, people may consume zero or very few calories. This diet requires you to eat for a certain number of hours in a set window of time and then fast for the rest of the day.

Diet High in Calories: Consider what you eat as much as when you eat. You will gain weight if you eat high-calorie, sugary, or high-calorie meals throughout your eating window.

NOT Exercising: Exercise burns fat and builds muscle. If you want results, avoid this mistake. Make time for 30 minutes of regular exercise.


Protein Deficit: Protein is essential for bone health and muscular development. Protein keeps you full throughout the fasting window and lowers calorie intake.

Dehydration: Constipation, headaches, hunger, and muscular cramps are symptoms. Therefore, drink water between meals to regulate appetite.

Eating Wrong Food: Intermittent fasting is a time-based diet, thus most programs don't specify which meals to eat when. But it doesn't mean you can live off beer, milkshakes, and crisps.

Too Little Seepage: Sleep, vital for health, affects intermittent fasting's effectiveness. Sleep deprivation may increase hunger and cravings and make fasting tougher.